Monday, November 14, 2011

Colquitt County 4-H’ers Attend Junior Conference

                  Colquitt County 4-H youth recently traveled to Rock Eagle 4-H Center to attend the Georgia 4-H Junior Conference, a 26 hour event filled with community service projects, classes, workshops, and fun activities. There was a total of 715 4-H Youth that partook in this year’s conference.  Participating from Colquitt County was Shelby Parrish, a 7th grader from Willie J. Williams Middle School.
                 “It is wonderful to see such a large assembly of Georgia’s finest young people here tonight,” said Evan Nichols, from Bartow County as he welcomed participants on Saturday.  “GA 4-H has been, is, and will continue to be the largest and best youth organization in the state and country.”
               Junior conference is a state wide event designed for 7th and 8th grade 4-H’ers to experience belonging to a group of peers, have an opportunity to demonstrate generosity through service projects, master subject matter through classes and workshops, and exercise independence as they learn about possibilities available through Georgia 4-H.  Also providing an opportunity to build leadership skills, youth have the chance to represent their peers by serving on a 36 District Junior Board which works with an adult committee to plan the conference.  Local 4-H’er Bill Johnson was one of 36 Junior Board youth who dedicated their time towards making the conference a success. 
                High school 4-H’ers can also take part in the conference by instructing workshops in their particular areas of expertise.  This year there were only 75 workshops available and 145 high school applicants! Local 4-H’er, Ashley Carroll, was one of the lucky workshop instructors.  Carroll led a class on community service and also served as a Teen Leader throughout the weekend.
                Carroll says, “I really enjoyed spending the weekend sharing the opportunities of community service with 4-H’ers, who were very eager to see how my terrariums worked.”
                Classes instructed by high school 4-H’ers and adult volunteers included curriculum on healthy lifestyles, portfolio development, and communication.  The conference also provided a variety of entertainment and recreation such as a dance; a one mile fun walk; a talent review; a performance by Clovers & Company, the Georgia 4-H Performing Arts group; and multiple games such as miniature golf, flag football, ultimate Frisbee, relay races, and even Wii Fit. 
                Service projects, which were designed by 4-H’ers, provided participants with the opportunity to exhibit generosity and compassion.  Together, the 715 4-H’ers, 4-H staff, and teen leaders made 111 letters for the Veteran’s Hospital, 228 anti-bullying posters for schools, 45 pillow cases for cancer patients, 100 journals for cottage, 66 terrariums for nursing homes, and painted 150 flower pots for shut-ins.
In addition to service projects, 4-H’ers continued their ten year tradition of collecting and selling pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald Houses of Georgia.  This year 4-H’ers collected 15,182 pounds of pop tabs with a total value of over $9500. President of the Northeast District Board, David Rice, was very pleased with this year’s pop tab results: “The only appropriate word is WOW!  Georgia 4-H’ers you really outdid yourself.”  The project began in 2002 when 7th and 8th grade 4-H’ers presented the idea to 4-H administration.  Since that date, 4-H’ers have raised over $50,000 to support Ronald McDonald Houses across the state by selling 98,437 pounds of pop tabs. Colquitt County 4-H received an award for collecting the largest amount of pop tabs in the Southwest District. Thank you so much to all those who saved and collected pop tabs throughout the year.  
                The date for next year’s Georgia 4-H Junior Conference has already been set for November 3rd and 4th of 2012.  Georgia 4-H provides fun, exciting, and educational events year round for all youth ages 9 through 19.  Please call (229) 616-7455 to learn how you can become involved with 4-H. 

*Caroline Horne

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